Monday, September 29, 2008

Theatre of Tragedy

Being the absolute, undisputed king of hyperbole it should come as no surprise that I have overly romanticized every event in my life. The slightest show of affection is turned into the world's greatest burgeoning romance. My heart has been melted more times than all the Gelato cups in Italy on 100* summer day. I live to feel the feeling of life.

With every new love comes the inspiration and desperation to begin the next; the mind of an economist belies the heart and soul of a renaissance artist. What is it about me and the fairer sex; they can't seem to stop torturing me and I can't seem to stop loving them. Is it these feelings and a lack of conciliation with them that lead men like Duchovny and Eric Bennet to believe that they are somehow addicted to sex or pornography. Clearly, we should not be condemned as mere addicts or purveyors of sex as it is much more than sex itself that drives us. Anyone in the know understands that we are driven by the passion of our own feelings, we are trying to feed a prodigious passion beast. One that will not take no for an answer, one that drives our very being. Now, does that mean men like us should not be married or incapable of fidelity-YES! This also means that men like us should step from the shadows and claim our right to live as men of passion and stop hiding inth shadows and lying to our partners, friends, family and most importantly to ourselves. We have the obligation of truth to unburden our right to live as we feel and not as others see us.

One can not make a plausible case for why a man lost within his own passion should pursue the physical embodiment of his passion-sex. There is nothing sick or insane or wrong with a man seeking, pursuing and lust after a connection with a woman, any woman that he feels can stoke those passions. men like us hate 5 year car leases, we want to drive a different vehicle every 3 months. We never want too purchase houses, we want a new residence every year. We dream the impossible, we discover the forgotten, lost and invisible. Men with voracious appetites lead other men, we manifest theories of relativity and form laws of gravity and motion. Show me a man devoid of passion and I mean great passions and I will point out his insignificance to the rest of the world. In my 34 years, I have never seen a man that wants to conquer the world stop just short of conquering and pursuing the opposite sex, the law of passion consumes all and can not be so laserly focused as to permit one to be all encompassing in every aspect except love. Men, especially passionate, aggressive men love to live LIFE. They do not live to love fidelity.

Or at least that's the way I feel today :-)

The saga continues...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

No Omega

Act 1- The awakening

In the desolate emptiness of deep black nothingness. When there was no separation of Universe; no sectioning of Nebula and no distinction of Galaxies. In the vast black abyss, matter and time and space were all one.

In an event that can only be described as creation; time and space and matter begin to crack and break and have distinguishing characteristics. Time began to move ever forward without hope of looking back. Matter was in its most dense and heavy state. Space could only be quantified by the amount of matter it could hold and the time it took to reach its most outer boundaries, in other words, it was limitless.

Here at this very moment, in this very space; time, matter and space disbanded from one another, yet, remained inextricably tied to one another. This reorganization had a titanic effect. Where time, space and matter merged spawned the creation of two celestial beings, the likes of which the burgeoning universe had never produced. In the new form of their beings; the offspring of time, space and matter spent millennial learning to spur their own awakening. These two beings would later call themselves Ewee (pronounced YOU) and Eeyee (pronounced I).

In this early existence of the young universe there was no oxygen, no hydrogen, no carbon and therefore no air. Consequently, there was no light, no sound and nothing that traveled or moved. There was no order, no chaos and no rules. There was no systematic law of order to follow and no charter too uphold. There was no gravity, no polarity and no positive or negative to attract or repel. There were only two beings with absolute power and they had no clue as to how to use it yet.

The elemental figures known as Ewee and Eeyee spent most of the newly formed time, discovering space and learning to manipulate matter. Many Millennial passed and Ewee and Eeyee learned that anything and everything could be possible if they so desired and investing their beings into it. So Ewee gave Eeyee air! In with his first breathe Eeyee gave praise to Ewee. And this event caused there to be a natural order of things. Natural law had been born. Wishes and desires are internalized and praise goes up to be meet with fruition. Right then Ewee and Eyee learned to believe.

In the millennial to follow Ewee learned to control inert gases and organic matter and many things of beauty. Ewee took oxygen and and hydrogen and created air and subsequently water.

Eeye took the air that Ewee made and used it to form flowers that he would give to Ewee. From the elements of inert gases and water that Ewee made, Eeyee created soil and then light and sound that traveled in wave lengths. Then there was energy that could burn or warm. Lastly Eyee engineered matter that could float in space and be used as a domicile or shelter or simply a place to be.

Over hundreds of thousands of light millennial Ewee and Eeyee decided that all the power to control and create was useless if what was created was inanimate and without life. They wanted to create something that could and would transcend them both and become greater than the sum of them both. Something that could sustain and give life all on its own and flourish for time immemorial.

Without thinking and without the aid of conscious decision Ewee and Eeyee moved ever closer to one another. Dangerously close; so close that the ensuing illumination generated enough heat to warm the outer constellations. So close that their combined mass was so great their heaviness nearly collapsed upon itself. So great was the power and emotion that time itself stood still for the first time since its original dawning.

Unbeknowst to them, their simple act of touching defined and confirmed solidarity, togetherness, unconditional care and affection; they had created what they sought. In that moment Ewee and Eeyee discovered the only power great enough to give and sustain life, to heal and move, to forgive and forget, to change and forever remain constant. In that moment Ewee and Eeyee created LOVE!

Act 2- What hath...

Armed with the most miraculous of gifts, in the first few eons of the young universe, Ewee and Eeyee set about the business of creating life. With love as the sharpened spear-head tool that Ewee and Eyee would carved matter into life, space into habitats and time into a measurement to determine the span of those lives.

In the fevered pitch of their work, Ewee and Eeyee displaced massive amounts of matter, causing smaller bits and particles to move about and collide and become islands in the sea of time and space. Ewee would sometimes dig your fingers into a nearby sphere and from the dirt pull trees and shrubs to the surface. Eyee would complement that fact by taking a piece of matter in hand and squeezing it so tightly that it would super-heat to the point of shining brightly for many billions of years to come.

This time at the beginning edges of space and matter were wondrous; in the wake of their path of discovery, they left life and life supporting essentials. They laughed and worked and loved for many millenial before tiring themselves out. Ewee and Eeyee, finally set aside a moment too reflect and consider what love hath made.

Act 3- Passion Begins

Ewee and Eeyee decided to take a much needed, richly deserved sabbatical. A holiday for for the newly loved, that had just found what love was all about. Love can be taxing when it is challenged and put too work. Love is resilient and can hide fatigue and challenge the weary to go on when physically it seems impossible. Alas, when love pushed them to work beyond thier limits they had to find another spark, something that helps loves flames maintain its glorious ignition.

Ewee and Eeyee, in the midst of all that we had accomplished stopped too take a look around and marvel at their work. Their small space in the vast universe was aglow with their handy work and their greatest tool-love. There, in the shadows was a once shining example of what happens when love is allowed to run rampant and unchecked, when Ewee and Eeyee did not pay attention to how we used the powerful tool of love. A planet, one we neglected as we molded and shaped galaxies; formed and gave life to constellations and nebula, a lone planet lie in the distance frozen over and barren.

Ewee looked at the gigantic sphere and began to mourn its frigid lifeless state. Ewee looked the sphere and said to Eeyee, "Had we just forgot this one". Eeyee, looked at Ewee and sadly replied "I think we might have". Smiling, Eeyee reached his mighty hands inside the plant and found its core still burning and still trying to create enough heat to melt the mountainous layers of ice that had encased the planet. Looking into Ewee's eyes and hoping to solicit a smile from her pretty face, Eeyee rubbed the planet's core between his hands and generated enough warmth to cause the glacial snow caps to release the trapped, life giving water it held in for centuries. As the water began to pour, Ewee climbed on the planet and let the chilly liquid cover her entirely. Seeing this Eeyee joined in and decided to hold Ewee as the cascading aquatic love den continued to warm this once frosty, neglected planet began to show signs of life.

Eeyee had encountered a feeling that he had never felt before. He was warm and cold; excited but scared; he had an acute sense of the now, but felt as if he had been here before. His urges were not just too kiss Ewee, but too consume her, to attach himself to her in ways he had never before. He felt invigorated and simultaneously as weak as a lamb. When he touched his lips to Ewee's, his eyes were closed and lips slightly parted. All he could think to do was lie Ewee on her back, to hover over her gently. If he could, he would have opened his chest and given his very soul to her.

Ewee, laying on her back now, reached for the nape of Eeyee's neck and pulled his face down to hers. Her lips slightly parted and back rightfully arched, she could not resist the idea of joining Eeyee in some blissful entanglement of soul mending. Ewee could feel Eeyee's love her for her in ways that she never imagined. She wanted to return that love in equal measures and meet his physicality with pure softness and allowed him to have her as he wished and too have him as she needed.

Little did Ewee and Eeyee now at the time, but as they lay in the formless sphere, their love den was being given shape by their every move and sound. As Eeyee kissed Ewee down her obliques and over her stomach, she would recoil and squirm. Ewee dug in her heels and pushed mightily against the planets surface and created buckles and peaks on the planet that reached for miles into the sky. Eeyee would bend to reach for Ewee's hips and dug his knees deep into the soil and created caverns and craters that stretched for miles. As Eeyee pulled Ewee's hips into his face her outstretched hands reached for tons of earth and displaced flat land and left canyons of space in-between. As Ewee screamed out in ecstasy, the clouds spread and the things that fly mimicked her sounds of love making and rejoiced with a song of their own. Eeye, could contain his love noises no better than Ewee, he let out a mighty yell that the majestic beast of the land would imitate for millions of years to come.

Joined now, the love could not be contained. The movements created the beginnings of a fine planet that produces life over and over again. Their love, connected on a higher plane and the ensuing result was the ultimate living, loving organism known as earth and it was created from a hyper sense of love, called PASSION.

Act 4-Life means choices

After exhausting themselves once again, this time in the name of passion. Ewee and Eeyee slumbered and nestled into the place that they had created; his hands around her waist, her hands cupped his face gently. As the water receded in beds created for it by the tossing and turning of Ewee and Eeyee and life sprung up around them. They laughed as Birds landed on their shoulders and Mastodons tussled and tickled their toes.

As never before, time was measured in increments, space was a finite place and matter could be organized and shaped to suit the needs of the living things on this planet. Still there were no nights and days and the temperature of the fragile young planet was largely held in check Ewee and Eeyee's passion. In what they learned was life, Ewee and Eeyee discovered that passion was a fleeting power and largely unpredictable. There were times when Ewee and Eeyee would scorch the poor planet with the heat from the vigor and strength of their passion. Then, there were times when the passion would grow so cold that living things on the planet would freeze and wilt. Though the love was constant and the passion itense at times, the fate of the world they created depended heavily on their individual will and the power of an entity neither could control-Passion.

Ewee and Eeyee tried, boy did they try. For millenial the two attempted to react the heat, energy and passion that they used to create the planet-to sustain that same planet. Ewee and Eeyee, knew that something had to be done. However, loved would not let them act, love they discovered only cared about love. You see love made you act, would not and could not stand inaction. Love made you move, forced you to go, implored you to be in the moment. Love kept Ewee and Eeyee together, But at the cost of what? Was love telling us to be together even at the expense of the greater good?

Ewee begged Eeyee not to do it...Ewee knew that this time would come, she had simply hoped that it would be many light years and maybe on another plane of existence. A plane where there was no such thing as pain or loss. Eeyee had made up his mind, he knew what must be done and that he was the one that had too do it. In his heart he knew that he would hurt Ewee with his decesion, but, not as much as it would hurt for her to see this world that they had made out of passion and love DIE.

Ewee yelled at Eeyee "what about our love" and Eeyee replied "our love is forever and nothing will ever change that". With that he went about the work of using all of his energy for heating and illimunating the Earth. He figured he could do this for a Million-Million years or so before buring himself out. At this moment he was not worried about how long he could shine, but about the soul he was leaving behind, the only love he had ever known-Ewee! Even as he moved to go about his most noble task, he knew she would wait. No matter how long it took, she would wait.

He affixed himself 93 million miles from the Earth. The exact coordinates was just far enough away to warm without burning; and just close enough to light without blinding. In concert with him and in exact harmony, she awaits him not so far away. In fact, just close enough to play her position and spell him at night. Still being his rock and allowing him rest when he so desperately needs it.

Every now and again, they cross each others path and talk of one day being together again forever. This happens largely in a vaccum and unbenowst to the citizens of the world they built. As they move slowly past one another, the Earth is reminded of what life (or lack there of) would be like if one or other did not exist. In this wrinkle in time, they laugh and enjoy what they had and built and never laminate the choices that they made. As time, space and matter endureth, they are emboldened, because they know that their love and passion can outlast all three!