Wednesday, September 30, 2015

She asked Who I was: An Investment Banker by trade. I invest in small businesses and more poignantly peoples dreams. I love what I do, I don`t eat pork and beef is only around because I can`t give up Fillet Mignon I am a beer connoisseur, I can pair wine with meals (no expert). I don`t fix cars, though I know how. I can fly a plane (Air Force 8 years). My Mom is my best friend and I am extremely tight with my family. I have a pass to get into the most hallowed halls of academia and a Ghetto pass (non-revocable). I can expound on the intricate word play of Jay Z and Eminem or wax poetic about the stylings of Miles Davis and Charlie Bird (I think Thelonious Monk was the understated genius). I love playing basketball and did so in college, I avoid contact in the grocery store. Health is a big deal in my life, but Pizza is the world`s most perfect food! I can`t name one television show, but could watch a smart, irreverent and funny movie Every night of the week. I want to hold, be held, cuddle, wrestle, snuggle, kiss, laugh, drink, eat, taste, be exposed, converse, read to someone, massage, debate, invigorate, fall asleep next to a Goddess! I want happy hour Martinis(dirty), last call beers, wake up next to panties, use a bra as a pillow, shower with the lights off, sip wine by candlelight, give someone my last five spot, spend more than I should at a thrift shop. I wanna talk your ear off, listen to you until you fall asleep, discuss the difference between the debt and deficit. Discover, learn, grow and think. Veg out, wear jeans, Buy a Valentino suit and people watch over brunch. I wanna discuss what it means to be a Black Man In America without insulting anyone else in the room, I wanna hear what it really means to be a woman without all the usual man hating dialog, but real honesty! I wanna play spades with my woman as my partner and cheat for fun, because all we have to do is look at each other. I wanna chew bubble gum and swing my arms and pretend the rest of the world does not exist-at least for one night! I want someone to love my lips.