Monday, April 30, 2007

Sisters keep asking....

Truth is... Men are lying to get what they want. Sex. Just like women lie to get what they want. Security. We all lie and are shady about it at first, that's life, however if you wait a while and learn and discover you might see this dance for what it is:

Men love sex and any man that says he isn't with a woman for sex , has another woman somewhere. Physiologically speaking sex is what we are wired to be after ALL the time. We are not bad for this, we are humans with a different perspectives than our female counterparts, look at the news today, every other story is about some man indulging in sexual activity counter to what his public persona is; that is a clear manifestation of repression. Men lie so much that eventually they explode and its almost always on some non-expecting child, woman or group of people. If more men would be upfront than we wouldn't be the bully's we are in this and most other cultures. This does not absolve women of their part in all this! Women encourage and brow beat men into lying... Women force men ( I use this word because for most of us we have no other sexual outlet) to lie by not being upfront themselves, by covering up and hiding behind some non-existent moral standard. Women want it all; in that vain men try and be all things to all people. Basically men are dumb! However there is evidence to suggest that men can be directed usefully by the right women. Women that are not afraid to use their sex as the directing tool of a relationship rather than a weapon of mass destruction; ready to be given or taken at her whim and with no real direction. Men have to be shown that all his fantasies and desires can be catered to by one woman, if and only if he is focused on the goals she would like him to achieve. If he helps out around the house; if he is attentive; if he is the father that she desires him to be. You have to capture mans attention and never let him lose sight of the big picture, that your desires our paramount and if sustained that you will take him on the journey of his life. You have to keep him wanting without him actually knowing why he wants! So few women know this and that is why men remain rudderless and directionless. They need the guidance of a woman to show them that monogamy and complete devotion is good for them! Standing around on the sidelines wishing and hoping and complaining that things need to be different will never work... You must perform the work. Looking good, smelling good, tasting good and making him believe that your Queen Dom is well earned. If not he will stray and lie and men lie for one reason; the same reason they do every thing else... PUSSY!

You want a man to be real..... Then you yourself have to be real. Lose the flakiness; stop asking him to be anything other than a man. Accept his horniness, accept his insecurities, feed his ego, indulge him his fantasies. Just make sure that he knows the price of these things. If in the beginning you catch him lying, reprimand him, let him know you know he is full of shit. Change the direction and set the course. Your course! It can't be done with just your mouth though... you have to set the table and sit down before him and eat! Then and only then will he follow your lead. His morals heighten, his responsibilities double and works to achieve the standard that you set.

Your other course could be to remain hard, indignant, stubborn and male-like. The men in your life will revolt; they will fight, be bitter and won't want you as a woman, but as an adversary! Something to conquer for the sake of conquering. If you want the ultimate man... You have to be the ultimate woman. You don't have to match wills when as woman you can bend them. Be a seductress and not his best friend and not his equal, be his BETTER half! Best him at being a woman and not a male acolyte. He will worship you and stop lying and stop struggling against your will, he will serve it.

Sorry this is so long. I write this because I love you and want you to know, not too diminish what you have in your life, have had or will get. This is strictly my opinion, but one of a man that has been around the block a few times and has seen one generation of women in his family lock men up happily for life and another go husband-less for the duration. So good luck to you and all the best.

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