Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I Wrote Something on my Friend Moxies Blog

I believe that everyone wants to date above their station, its human nature. Psychologically and Physiologically people want to ensure that their offspring has the greatest chance of survival and increasingly that means social acceptance in todays world. So dating, the right person oft times means dating the physically attractive, well off and highly educated person.

Many women believe that having a degree and a career makes them more desirable to most men and as a man I can tell you that its not necessarily true. Matter of fact many times its a detriment; is it because men are intimidated by smart women? No. The reason is closer to ,why would I want someone that has the same skill set as I do! Would a football team have 5 field goal kickers? Does "Dancing with the Stars or "Idol" have three judges with the same personalties and temperaments? Of course not.

Furthermore, men and women dating out of their league has far too many facets singularly, to be lumped in together. Men dating out of their league has less to do with looks and more to do with ability too provide; while women dating men out their league typically speaks to a woman physical attractiveness. Case in point...A famous athlete can date just about any woman he wants regardless of physical appearance, i.e. Anthony Mason or Dennis Rodman. Where as a famous actress has a small much smaller dating pool. How many dating options does Beyonce really have? Not many. So dating above one's station is infinitely different depending on your sex and socio-economic background.

All that being said, everyone should simply put their bid in! Why? Because no matter what you never know if what you bring to the table is just what your desired love interest is missing. Also believing that someone that you find very attractive is shallow and only dates the types of people they have previously been seen with is just stupid. The example above of the guy only dating leggy blond's, leads me too think that maybe those are the women that approach him and he has a hard time approaching women, so he dates who wants to date him. If the authors "plain" friend approaches this guy and is herself and confident, she may find that she is actually the type of woman he prefers... or not! But isn't that what life is all about, the chance and the opportunity.


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